Цветок лотоса для мисс Квон 1967

Lang Jeffries plays a school teacher in financial trouble until he finds a stash of diamonds that everyone else wants. He tries to flee the country (Vietnam) and escape with his riches and his girlfriend. The chase is on. Larry Anderson.

Tous les titres
  • Лотос для мисс Квон
  • Лотос для мисс Квон
  • IT: Lotosblüten für Miss Quon Lotosblüten für Miss Quon
  • FR: Coup de gong à Hong-Kong Coup de gong à Hong-Kong
  • IO: Lotosblüten für Miss Quon Lotosblüten für Miss Quon
  • IT: Trappola per 4 Trappola per 4
  • US: A Lotus for Miss Quon A Lotus for Miss Quon
Date de sortie 26 Jul 1967
Lien IMDb


Цветок лотоса для мисс Квон 1967