Очень маппетовское рождественское кино 2002

Adventure Comedy Family

'Twas the night before Christmas and the Muppet Theatre is in danger of being torn down, but with hilarious send-ups of just about every holiday movie ever made, the Muppets discover that what matters most is their love for each o...

Tous les titres
  • US: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
  • BR: O Natal dos Muppets O Natal dos Muppets
  • BG: Веселата Коледа на мъпетите Веселата Коледа на мъпетите
  • FR: Joyeux Muppet Show de Noël Joyeux Muppet Show de Noël
  • DE: Das größte Muppet Weihnachtsspektakel aller Zeiten Das größte Muppet Weihnachtsspektakel aller Zeiten
  • HU: Brekiék karácsonya Brekiék karácsonya
  • IR: Yek Christmas e Kamelan Aroosaki Yek Christmas e Kamelan Aroosaki
  • IT: Il super Buon Natale dei Muppet Il super Buon Natale dei Muppet
  • JP: マペットのメリー・クリスマス マペットのメリー・クリスマス
  • PL: Gwiazdka Muppetów Gwiazdka Muppetów
  • PT: O Filme de Natal dos Marretas O Filme de Natal dos Marretas
  • RO: Crăciunul păpuşilor Muppets Crăciunul păpuşilor Muppets
  • ES: Los Teleñecos en Navidad Los Teleñecos en Navidad
  • UA: Превеселе Різдво з Маппетами Превеселе Різдво з Маппетами
  • US: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
Date de sortie 29 Nov 2002
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