Новое время 1994

Comedy Drama

Episodic movie about a rich yuppie couple who, going broke, can't decide if they want to stay together and openly sleep around and experiment with different lifestyles.

Tous les titres
  • US: The New Age The New Age
  • BR: Loucuras de um Divórcio Loucuras de um Divórcio
  • BG: Нови времена Нови времена
  • CA: La nouvelle vague La nouvelle vague
  • HR: Novo doba Novo doba
  • CZ: Nová éra Nová éra
  • FI: Uusi aika Uusi aika
  • GR: Anithiki epohi Anithiki epohi
  • HU: A legeslegújabb kor A legeslegújabb kor
  • IT: New age - Nuove tendenze New age - Nuove tendenze
  • PT: Geração Perdida... Geração Perdida...
  • PT: Vidas Perdidas Vidas Perdidas
  • ES: The New Age The New Age
Date de sortie 16 Sep 1994
Lien IMDb
